How to Apply

If you would like to apply for a Year 7 place at The Suthers School for September, you can do so through the Nottinghamshire County Council's coordinated admissions scheme. The closing date for applications is the 31st October.

You will find out if you have been offered a place after the 1st March which is the National Offer Day. For more information and help on applying for a school place for your child please visit the County Council Admissions web page.

You can find further details of our catchment area and also how we will apply our oversubscription criteria (in the event of more that 90 applicants accepting places at the school) by downloading a copy of the Admissions Arrangements available here.

In-Year Transfer

If you wish to apply for a transfer to the The Suthers School and your child is currently in Year 7, you will need to contact the Admissions Team at Nottinghamshire County Council.

Please feel free to contact us if you are considering transferring you child as we can provide current information about place availability and arrange a school visit.