Careers Entitlement
Year 7 Careers Entitlement
During Year 7 students will be working with their own tutor group and year group on a range of careers related activities. The key area will be self-awareness and to be able to identify strengths, areas of development, transferable skills and capabilities and how these relate to academic subjects and the world of work. Enrichment and Extra Study activities both in school and out of school are highly important to our students.
Year 7 will be doing the following activities throughout the year:-
- Recognition of strengths and areas of development
- Recognition of transferable skills, qualities and capabilities
- Career Interests questionnaire.
- Tutor mentoring.
- Researching career websites.
- After school extended study/enrichment activities,
- Student Voice.
- Charity Fund Raising.
- STEM activities.
- Access and activities on the Unifrog careers platform.
- Guest speakers from the world of work.
Year 8 Careers Entitlement
During Year 8 students will be working with their own tutor group and year group on a range of careers related activities. The key area will be to prepare students for the decision making for option choices. Teaching staff, Tutors, Careers Leader will take an active part in advising and guiding in consultation with parents and Senior Leaders.
Year 8 students will be doing the following:
- Guest speakers for all tutor groups – meet the Employer.
- Role model work.
- Mentoring sessions with tutors on option choices.
- 1-2-1 option sessions with Senior Leadership Team/Careers Leader when needed.
- Career interests questionnaire.
- Careers research on websites.
- After school Enrichment and Extended Study.
- After school sports programme - representing school in competitions.
- Charity Fund raising throughout the year.
- Student voice.
- STEM activities
- Access to activities on the Unifrog careers platform.
Year 9 Careers Entitlement
During Year 9 students will be working with their own tutor group and year group on a range of careers related activities. The key area will be for students to research a variety of careers and pathways suitable to their own individual ambitions.
Year 9 students will be doing the following:
- Making well informed decisions in respect of option choices – both academic and vocational.
- Attending Options Information Evening with parents.
- Work on transferable skills, e.g. team working, determination, resilience, self-confidence etc. as part of their personal development in preparation for the world of work.
- Guest speakers from the world of work.
- Reviewing the assessment point data to understand how to develop in the future.
- Young Market opportunity.
- Careers research on a variety of websites.
- Exploring career pathways
- Active tutoring with a focus on careers.
- Charity Fund Raising.
- After school enrichment/Extended Study.
- Student voice
- STEM activities.
- University visit
- Access and activities on the Unifrog careers platform.
Year 10 Careers Entitlement
During Year 10 students will be working with their own tutor group and year group on a range of careers related activities. The key area will be for students to research a variety of careers and pathways suitable to their own needs and to work on their career action plan.
Year 10 will be doing the following:
- Continue work on the transferable skills, qualities and capabilities to further develop character in line with what employers look for when recruiting staff.
- Careers workshops and guest speakers.
- Continue Career Action planning.
- Attend CV and interview skills workshop,
- Attend Mock Interview Day - interview with an employer – held in Spring/Summer term
- Careers research on a variety of websites.
- Guest speakers, taster days and trips where appropriate.
- Research and applications for work experience.
- Explore pathways: college, apprenticeship, traineeship, university including degree apprenticeships
- Active tutoring with a focus on careers.
- Careers Week focusing on pathways: visits to a variety of colleges and universities and presentations from apprenticeship providers and speed networking with employers in July.
- Preparation for work experience.
- Five days’ work experience – usually takes place in July
- Debrief of work experience week with tutor group, reflecting and evaluating the experience.
- After school enrichment/extended study
- Charity fund raising throughout the year.
- Student voice
- Duke of Edinburgh
- STEM talks and visits.
- Personality Testing – identifying possible careers
- Access and activities on the Unifrog careers platform.
Year 11 Careers Entitlement
Year 11 will be doing the following:-
- Continue with development of transferable skills.
- Continue with character development to ensure that students have the skills, qualities and capabilities that employers need from their future workforce.
- Continual review of CV and update when appropriate.
- 1-2-1 careers support from Careers Adviser for all pupils
- 1-2-1 Senior Leadership Team mentoring where required.
- Year 12 Induction Day.
- Visits to alternative Further education providers.
- Support with all College/apprenticeship applications.
- Research on a variety of websites.
- Continue exploring pathways during tutor time.
- Active tutor mentoring.
- Destination Planning.
- Various subject related visits.
- Continue charity fund raising..
- After school enrichment/extended study
- Student Voice,
- National Citizen Service application
- Suthers Alumni sign up. Keep in touch with our students as a way of them inspiring our current students and for us to continue to share and celebrate in their achievements.
- Revision techniques and preparation for GCSE examinations.
- Personality Testing – identifying suitable careers
- Access to activities on the Unifrog careers platform
- Employer Engagement